Edward H. Smith
497 Hooksett Rd. #395
Manchester, NH 03104

Fax:(603) 218-6624 ehsportal@gmail.com  

Today is Tuesday
October 22nd, 2024
 National Debt Clock 
Click here to GET INVOLVED


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I am a 1970 graduate of Dartmouth College with a life-long career as an independent business and financing consultant. My major areas of work have involved business development and financing strategies, the writing and production of a wide variety of business documents, legal research and litigation support, and the expedited location and coordination of outside resources necessary to resolve urgent problems (such as business compliance issues, collections, business disputes, and pending lawsuits). More recent areas of concentration have included pro-homeowner foreclosure defense in the wake of the national housing crisis; and the publication and distribution of
The Due Process Advocate.

In the past decade, I have conducted a great deal of research into the growing presence of unfair, deceptive, and unreasonable business practices facing American consumers and business owners. I am also intimately familiar with the civil legal process and its relationship to the self-serving interests of political factions and special interests; all at excessive costs and expenses which simply can not be afforded by a vast majority of folks. I maintain an extensive database of resources and a referral network to assist both individuals and businesses caught in the wake of the challenging economic conditions that have caused financial losses and financial set-backs to so many. The fundamental thrust of my work is to promote the restoration of constitutionally guaranteed due process rights which have been steadily suppressed (or blatantly denied) by the "powers-to-be" in order to take, or excessively control, your life, liberty, and property (especially your money!).

Therefore, if you are looking for the right information to resolve an urgent personal or business problem, please take a moment to email me a brief recap of the situation:


You"ll receive a response via email within 24-48 hours regarding
available resources and/or help you might want to take advantage of.
